Teknik Ilmu Marketing Kelas Dunia
- [Share] Rahasia Pedagang Ulung kelas DUNIA : Baca baik2 ya iderz.. Em.. kawan2.. inilah teknik promosi ala market leader dunia, semakin di bahas, semakin hot topicnya dan gak pernah usang... dan diciptakan dah macam2 asesorisnya.. inilah gaya pedagang kelas berat...yang tidak ada, dongeng dibuat2 lalu diciptakanlah agar mereka jadi berbenda dan di komersialkan..woaa....teknik dagang TOP one dah..
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ya gitu deh.. :) jadi pin online ^_^.. bagus buat software promosi ^_^
- Pelajari dan gunakan youtube sebagai sarana video marketing -
berbasiskan video, karena dari hasil riset, 99% youtube memiliki traffic
tertinggi setelah facebook
- Tak luput dari riset juga, document marketing - karena kita tahu -
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marketing : docstoc- scribd
- [Share] Tips bagus dari Pakar Komunkasi - Om Philip Kothler..
The solution is to improve your brand-building strategies and measure
the impact on your brand equity. Too many marketers think that the magic
bullet is advertising. After all, adver-tising is designed to build
more awareness, knowledge, interest, and — ideally — preference. But a
brand is built by many communica-tions tools, as well as the quality of
the product and its packaging, the reliability of the shipping, and
many other factors. Among the commu-nication tools that create brand
impressions are sales-people, trade shows, and word-of-mouth from
customers,competitors, and productreviewers.
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